Kauai Cash Home Buyers

Homeowners Insurance 101: A Guide for Homebuyers in Kauai

Homeowners insurance. You know you should probably have it, and if you have a mortgage, you’re required to have it. But how much do you know about it beyond that – what it covers (and does not cover), the types of policies, how much coverage you need? What happens in case of minor damage from … Continued

How to Make Sure Your Contractor is Insured in Kauai

You’ve wanted to renovate your cramped, outdated kitchen for ages. Or perhaps you are deciding between staying in your home after major damages or selling and walking away from some potential pricey repairs. Like many, asking around among friends and co-workers may initially help find and hire a contractor, but making sure your contractor is … Continued

Selling A House In Joint Names Divorce In Kauai

In most divorces, hard feelings between spouses make selling a Kauai house in joint names divorce difficult, as more often than not, one or both parties want to inflict as much emotional harm on the other person as possible. Unfortunately, the couple’s shared finances often take the brunt of this ax-grinding. When selling a house … Continued

How to Sell a House in Kauai When There Are Multiple Owners

Owning a house with other people has a number of marked advantages: the financial burden of bills and repairs can be shared, and the labor of, say, yard work and maintenance is usually spread among multiple owners. But problems can come up when it’s time to sell. While the actual selling process is pretty much … Continued

Tax Implications of Selling Your Home in Kauai

If you’re selling your home, you likely just want to get it over with and get started on the new chapter in your life in your new home. But hold on – you may have to deal with the tax man. If you made a profit on the sale of your home, you may to … Continued

How Landlords Can Save Money Making Repairs In Kauai

In order to bring more long term value to the rental property–especially if you’d like to sell in the near future–it’s often recommended a landlord should keep up with regular maintenance any ultimately make the necessary repairs. You can find ways to save money making repairs in order to always keep your property in tip-top … Continued
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